Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How to Download

How to Download

Downloading isn't a very complicated process at all, but you need to acquire Winzip to decompress the files. What happens is that when you download a file, it is in a zipped format, usually with a file extension of ".zip" or ".exe"

The first program you download will be a program called Winzip. It's shareware that you can download for free. You can find it at: . Let's go there now and check it out!

There should be a link that says 'Download Evaluation Version' or something similar. Click that link. Good news! The evalution version doesn't ever time out on you, you can just use it forever.

Now, just click the download link provided. When saving the file, make sure you write down the complete path, including the file name to where your saving it. If you are saving it in the "Program Files" directory, the path would be (assuming your hard drive was your c: drive):

c:\Program Files\winzip70.exe

Once you've completed the download, which should take about 10 minutes or so, depending on the speed of your modem, just go to Start --> Run and type in the complete path of where you download the file to. This is why it's so important to remember exactly which folder you downloaded your file to. In fact, this is the most important consideration when downloading.

Next, click OK and Windows should automatically open the program for you. From here, you should just follow some self explanatory install instructions to install the program on your system.

Now not only do you understand the basic process for downloading programs off the internet, but you also have the tool to install the program once it's downloaded.

Note: Sometimes you will download programs from an ftp site. The URL might look something like this:

Don't let this scare you. It's just another URL, just like any other URL. Just use the same downloading principles as you would for downloading from a regular site.

Concept Check -

1.Go to and make certain that the evaluation version of Winzip (unless you want to pay for it) is properly installed on your computer.

Extra Stuff -

1.Go to these two super Resource sites on Downloading. Read them both and you'll get the hang of it:

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