Wednesday, December 19, 2007

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Reference Index

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Reference Index

Your search for CGI Resources starts here:

If your brand new to CGI, I highly recommend Lqidskin's Mind Tweek Center. I've searched far and wide through the internet, and this is the only tutorial I've found that has been able to actually teach the beginning Web Designer how to modify and upload CGI scripts.

Matt's Script Archive

Matt has been offering free CGI Scripts to the Web community for years. Go here and get your share!

CSS (Cascade Style Sheets) Reference Index

CSS (Cascade Style Sheets) Reference Index

A complete, easy to understand tutorial on how to work with

Cascade Style Sheets:

Other Hot Resources:


Java Script Resources

Java Script Resources

Hundreds of Free Java Scripts:

Other Great Sites:

Free Lifetime Internet Access

Free Lifetime Internet Access

To get connected to the internet, you need four things:

1.A Computer

2.A Modem

3.A Telephone Outlet

4.A "Dial-Up" Service or an

Internet Service Provider

In the future, all computers will be built with Modem's. Practically Everyone has a Telephone Outlet. This only leaves one thing left to mention, an Internet Service Provider

Now, there is finally a company that will save you hundreds of dollars a year in connection charges. The name of the company is called Netzero, and is available to anyone in the United States. I felt that was a good topic to cover for this tutorial.

You will need internet access to work your way through this tutorial, but I imagine that some of you Mail Order Guru's and complete beginners might not have known about this, and might have automatically went with AOL of MSN just because it was more convenient or because you might have received a CD from them. For a free service, Netzero's technical support is outstanding, so don't be shy and give them a shot. Your only hurting yourself by paying for internet access.

There is one drawback to all this free access. They will place a banner (which could be considered annoying) which will not go away the entire time you are navigating the World Wide Web. Netzero makes their profit by hitting the advertisers hard but never the users. If you don't mind an advertising banner that you can't get rid of, then by all means use this free service.

To get you connected for the first time if your not already connected, you can call them and ask them about their $6.95 CD that will load their Dial-Up Software on your computer. The CD's free, the $6.95 is just a Shipping and Handling charge. If you already have an internet connection, then you can just download their Dial-Up Software free from their Website.

Anyway, here is Netzero's company contact information so you can inquire about how to get started:

NetZero, Inc.

3835-R E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. #338

Westlake Village, CA 91362

Tel: 818-879-7250

Fax: 818-879-7257

Fax-Back Support: 1-818-597-4699


Phone Support: 1-818-879-7255

Multiple Web Page Folders And Directories Build Your

Multiple Web Page Folders And Directories Build Your

Web Page the Size of Mt. Everest!

Why Multiple Folders?

I'm sure you are asking me why on earth would I want to create multiple folders? The answer to that question is a simple one. Organization. You will always want to keep your Webpage organized and provide easy navigation. The size of any website you create will be unlimited once you understand the concept of making folders and subfolders, which is a very simple process.

Here's a rudimentary example of a graphical flowchart displaying the concept of folders. Keep in mind that the graphics on this page are very limited, because there's only so much you can do in Windows Wordpad, which is what this tutorial is written in:

Main Directory:

Products - Services - DRC - Contact - Subscribe - Guest Roster



Reprints Galore
















Submission Services



Search Engine



Wav Creation










Dealer Resource Center






Now let me explain all this stuff up there. I know that diagram will

get confusing real quick if I don't clear it up.

The main directory is sometimes known as the 'root directory'.

You will notice that there are files in the root directory that are in

no other directory. That's because there's no use for those files

in any other directory, as it would just make a Website that is

less than aesthetic.

Notice that within the Products folder are three what we call

subfolders 'nested' within that folder. Note that you can even

create folders within those and so on if you wanted to. Your URL

would be very long, but you could do it if you were running an

information site and needed to keep adding new subjects and

topics regularly. Understanding this single concept is the main

focal point of this lesson.

How to Create Folders:

1.From your Windows Taskbar on the bottom left hand side of

your screen, click your Start Button.

2.Next, go to Find and then Files and Folders

3.Make sure that the 'Name and Location' tab is selected. Under

the 'Named' text field, type explorer.exe

4.Click 'Find Now'

5.Once Windows lists the file in the Display box below, click the

'Stop' button to the right.

6.Now, take your mouse and left click the Notepad file in the

display box to select it. It should look blue now.

7.Now, right click this same file and choose 'create shortcut'

from the drop-down menu that appears.

8.Windows will display a dialog box that says, "Windows Cannot

Create a Shortcut here. Would you like to create a shortcut to

your Desktop instead?"

9.Just choose yes, and Windows will take it from there.

10.You did it! Just take a peek at your Windows Desktop, and

you will see a "Shortcut to Notepad" with an icon at the top. You

will be using this throughout the rest of this tutorial.

11.Now, go to your Windows Desktop and Double Click

Windows Explorer to open it.

12.Next, select your c: drive or your hard drive if different than C.

It should look blue when selecting it.

13.Now from the top menu in Explorer, go to file, new and folder.

You should now see a folder ready to type some text in. Just

type Garvinweb in the highlighted folder. You will be creating all

your HTML documents in this folder for the rest of this tutorial.

Now that you know how to create folders, lets learn how to

create subfolders. From Explorer, select Garvinweb. Now

repeat steps 12-13 above to create a subfolder titled Les01.

See how easy that is! Now you know how to create nested

folders on your hard drive. I'm sure you've already figured out

that you can now even create folders within Les01 if you needed


In the lesson on uploading, you will understand how to create

nested folders on your hard drive. It's just as simple as using

Windows Explorer, and you'll find out soon enough.


1.Create a Folder Called Garvinweb. Next, Create 25

subfolders folders within the 'Garvinweb' folder that say Les01,

Les02, Les03, etc.. until you finally get to Les25.

Just For Fun:

2.Go to and click the icon that says

"how-to articles" Next, Choose 'Windows Tricks and Tips' from

the drop down list and choose 'Go'! Now you cab learn about the

entire Windows Operating System and how it works, right


See ya next time and keep up the good work!

How to Send Email From Netscape

How to Send Email From Netscape

1.Composition of an email address -

User Name - This is something you decide when you open up

your account with your ISP or Internet Service Provider.

Domain Name - This is the name of the ISP's server. Here's a

theoretical example of how an email address is structured:

2.Let's Get Netscape Navigator!

Netscape doesn't come with Windows, and you will need to

install it. Here are your installation options:

1.Contact Netscape and ask how much it would be to have the latest version of Netscape Communicator sent to you on CD-ROM or set of floppies. You may also go to their Website at http:/

2.Contact your ISP and see if they will provide you with this. Some do, some don't.

3.Go to Comp USA or other computer store. You should be able to purchase the Netscape Communicator CD with complete instructions for under $40.00.

If you have the MSIE browser installed already, just type in the address box at the top of the browser, and this should take you to Netscape's Website. Once your there, you will find a link that says "Browsers" or something similar. Follow the instructions given at their Website to complete the download.

3.Configuring your Mail Settings for your browser

Before you do anything, you will need to obtain certain information from your Internet Service Provider. You can either read the technical documentation that came with your Dialup Connection, or contact their technical support center for it. Many ISP's even have instructions posted on their websites regarding to do this, but this manual assumes they don't. Here's the information you'll need:

a.Your full email address



d.Outgoing (SMTP) Mail Server

e.Incoming Mail Server

f.Mail Server Type (POP3 or IMAP)

Once you have obtained this information, here's what you need to do:

From your Netscape browser, select Preferences from the Edit menu. There will be a white box on the left side of the Preferences Dialog Box. Single Click the plus sign to the left of the Mail & Groups Category and you should see more options pop out in a tree like form. Now, click the 'identity' tab and make sure it's blue. This way, you'll know it's selected.

Now regarding the text boxes displayed at the right, enter:

1.Your name in the name field

2.Your email address in the email address field (This needs to be the one your ISP provided you with.

3.Your email address once again in the reply to field (Use the same one unless you went to Hotmail or are using your domain name "e.g:" and wish to use that

4.Leave the Organization field blank unless you want to enter your companies contact information here.

5.In the 'signature file' box, just create a ".txt" file in Notepad and put whatever you want on it and save it as ".sig.txt". Remember where you saved it. Here's an example of a sig file:


Increase Profits from your Website

Sign up in advance for a new affiliate program


Just use your browse button to the right of the text box and navigate through your directories to call up this file. Once this is done, every time you send an email in Netscape, the information inside the ".txt" file (that you can edit anytime) will automatically be displayed at the bottom of every email message you send. See the power in this? You don't have to manually type in your company contact information anymore every time you send a message, or remind them to sign your guest roster. With a sig file, it's done automatically!

Now, go back to the Category Box and click on the mail server tab and enter in the following data:

1.Enter your username where it says "Mail Server User Name"

2.Enter the Outgoing SMTP mail server with info your ISP gave you (e.g.

3.Enter the Incoming mail server with info your ISP gave you (e.g.

4.Click the appropriate radio button, either POP3 or IMAP depending on what you were had by your ISP.

This should complete the configuration on your Mail Settings in Netscape Communicator.

4.Getting Into Your Mailbox -

1.Connect to the Internet. You cannot ever send an email unless you are connected to the internet.

2.Double Click the Netscape Icon on your Windows Desktop to open Netscape Communicator.

3.Once Netscape Communicator is fully loaded, select 'Messenger Mailbox' from the Communicator menu. The other way to access your mail area is to click that icon located at the bottom right corner that looks like a tiny mailbox.

Now you should be in your Mailbox. In the Textbox on the top left of your Messenger Mailbox, make sure that your "Inbox" is selected. Now click that small little mail icon again and it should either download your mail or prompt you for your password. Since you haven't been receiving mail, you'll probably just get a welcome message from Marc Andreessen of Netscape.

5.Sending My First Electronic Mail -

1.On the navigation toolbar, click the New Message icon. You should see a mail composition box come up with a blinking prompt next to a To:

2.Type in the appropriate email address in this To field. In this case, type in your own email address. This way, the message will go right back to you!

3.Go to the subject. Type in a few words in the subject line.

4.Click Send. In a few moments, you should be receiving a message in your mailbox with the message you just sent. Pretty neat, huh?

Concept Check -

1.Send an email to using your Netscape Communicator browser. Put My First Email in the Subject. Send me a couple of sentences of your choice in the body of the message.

2.Create a 'sig file' and remember where it is so you can update it later. Put anything inside it you would want sent with each outgoing message.

Extra Stuff -

Visit these sites: - Here's some info on emails. - Send an email to the President of the United States. Tell him anything on your mind, well, almost anything! - Here's the Congressional Email Directory. Thought you might be interested!

How to Navigate the World Wide Web

How to Navigate the World Wide Web

Not understanding how to Use the World Wide Web doesn't make you stupid. It just means you need exposure and a little help to get you started. That's the reason I have put together this tutorial, so anyone can use the internet to find what they need.

If you are reading this chapter, I assume that you already have an internet connection. If not, then you will need to get one. If this is the case, then please read my other report on obtaining free lifetime internet access, or if you prefer, contact AOL, MSN or find another provider of your choice. There are over 250,000 dial up providers, so they're not hard to find. If you want high speed access, call your local cable provider and see if they are offering cable access in your area.

Lesson Overview:

1.Some Terms.

2.Let's Get Microsoft Internet Explorer!

3.Let's Get Netscape Navigator!

4.Configuring your Mail Settings for your browser

5.Let's Surf!



1.Some Terms.

ISP - This stands for Internet Service Provider. Another term for them is a "Dial-Up Provider". Once you have a Computer, Modem and Phone Receptacle Installed, it is your ISP that provides this "Pipeline" or Connection" to the internet. Once this is done, you will have access to the World Wide Web.

Netizen - Someone just like you using the internet.

Default Browser - A Default Browser is the browser you would use to send and receive mail in. You would configure your mail settings in this browser, something which will be explained very shortly. It is also the browser you would use to surf the internet with.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - This term is just a fancy way to name any internet address on the World Wide Web. is an URL. is another URL.

Links - Links on a Website will take you from one page to another on the same site, or even from your site to someone else's site. Links are usually blue, but can be any color. Once you roll your mouse over a link, or Hypertext link as it is sometime called, your mouse will change to a hand. This way you'll know you've found a link. You can just left click a link to "follow the link". The same principle applies if you roll your mouse over a button or an image. If you see your mouse change to that hand, be prepared to take a trip somewhere else!

Browser - A browser is a client used to access a remote server on the internet. Simply put, Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer are both Browsers, and are the two most popular ones. They are both available for free download off the internet. It is best to have Both MSIE and Netscape Communicator installed on your system. The reason is that different Websites display differently, and you might want to view some Webpages in both browsers. This will help you develop a preference and help you decide which one you will use most.

Download - For purposes of this tutorial, the process of transferring an ".exe" or a ".zip" file and transferring it from a remote site, just as Microsoft's site to your hard drive. Most sites that provide downloads also provide instructions for downloading that can be printed and followed as you are going through the download process.

Surfing the Web - This is just another way of saying that you will be navigating through different pages on the World Wide Web. This term jointly refers to navigating pages on one Website, or on many Websites.

2.Lets Get Microsoft Internet Explorer.

If you have Windows 98, then you will already have a working copy of MSIE 4.0 on your computer. Bill Gates made sure of this! If not, then you will need to download it. This is sort of a catch 22 because you can't download anything if you don't have the browser installed in the first place, can you? Here's a couple of solutions:

1.Contact Microsoft and ask how much it would be to have the latest version of MSIE sent to you on CD-ROM or set of floppies.

2.Contact your ISP and see if they will provide you with this. Some do, some don't.

3.Go to Comp USA or other computer store. You should be able to purchase the MSIE 4.0 CD with complete instructions for under $40.00.

If you have the netscape browser installed already, just type in the location box at the top of the browser, and this should take you to Microsoft's Website. Once your there, you will find a link that says "Internet Explorer, Download it free" or something similar. Follow the instructions given at their Website to complete the download.

3.Let's Get Netscape Navigator!

Netscape doesn't come with Windows, and you will need to install it. Here are your installation options:

1.Contact Netscape and ask how much it would be to have the latest version of Netscape Communicator sent to you on CD-ROM or set of floppies. You may also go to their Website at

2.Contact your ISP and see if they will provide you with this. Some do, some don't.

3.Go to Comp USA or other computer store. You should be able to purchase the Netscape Communicator CD with complete instructions for under $40.00.

If you have the MSIE browser installed already, just type in the address box at the top of the browser, and this should take you to Netscape's Website. Once your there, you will find a link that says "Browsers" or something similar. Follow the instructions given at their Website to complete the download.

4.Configuring your Mail Settings for your browser

Before you do anything, you will need to obtain certain information from your Internet Service Provider. You can either read the technical documentation that came with your Dialup Connection, or contact their technical support center for it:

a.Your full email address



d.Outgoing (SMTP) Mail Server

e.Incoming Mail Server

f.Mail Server Type (POP3 or IMAP)

Once you have obtained this information, here's what you need to do:

From your Netscape browser, select Preferences from the Edit menu. There will be a white box on the left side of the Preferences Dialog Box. Single Click the plus sign to the left of the Mail & Groups Category and you should see more options pop out in a tree like form. Now, click the 'identity' tab and make sure it's blue. This way, you'll know it's selected.

Now regarding the text boxes displayed at the right, enter:

1. Your name in the name field

2. Your email address in the email address field (This needs to be the one your ISP provided you with.

3. Your email address once again in the reply to field (Use the same one unless you went to Hotmail or are using your domain name "e.g:" and wish to use that

4. Leave the Organization field blank unless you want to enter your companies contact information here.

5. In the 'signature file' box, just create a ".txt" file in Notepad and put whatever you want on it and save it as ".sig.txt". Remember where you saved it. Here's an example of a sig file:


Increase Profits from your Website

Sign up in advance for a new affiliate program


Just use your browse button to the right of the text box and navigate through your directories to call up this file. Once this is done, every time you send an email in Netscape, the information inside the ".txt" file (that you can edit anytime) will automatically be displayed at the bottom of every email message you send. See the power in this? You don't have to manually type in your company contact information anymore every time you send a message, or remind them to sign your guest roster. With a sig file, it's done automatically!

Now, go back to the Category Box and click on the mail server tab and enter in the following data:

1.Enter your username where it says "Mail Server User Name"

2.Enter the Outgoing SMTP mail server with info your ISP gave you (e.g.

3.Enter the Incoming mail server with info your ISP gave you (e.g.

4.Click the appropriate radio button, either POP3 or IMAP depending on what you were told. you had by your ISP.

This should complete the configuration on your Mail Settings in Netscape Communicator. With MSIE, just select Mail from the Go Menu. Follow thier installation instructions and that should do it.

5.Let's Surf!

In the last part of this lesson, we will surf through a couple of websites, just so you'll get some practice in. You will be very comfortable doing this after a few weeks or so. It will probably be a little awkward at first, but don't let that shy you away from your main objective, surfing the web!

These 5 sites I will illustrate in Netscape, but you can always perform this in Explorer as well.

First, connect to the internet using the Dialup software your ISP gave you. Next, fire up Netscape Communicator. In the location box, type in Many people don't know this, but you could also type in or even and it will still display my Website.

Once you've done this, it takes time for the page to load. Please be patient. What's happening now is that the graphics are just decompressing (downloading). Now is where the fun starts. Notice the buttons on the left hand side of the screen. Try rolling your mouse over the 'products' button or the 'services' button. See what happens? The tip of the mouse changes to a hand. This means that when you left click the mouse button, you will be taken to another webpage. Try it. Voila! Wasn't that fun?

Now from the products page, try going to one of those blue links at the bottom of the page. Try clicking one of those. Once again, you're directed to another page on my Website. The only way to get the hang of surfing the web (which you are successfully doing now, congratulations :-) is to practice. Hang around my Website for an hour or so clicking links, and you'll get the hang of it rather quickly.

Altavista is what they call a search engine. Search engines are very popular on the internet. What happens is that you enter a word, any word, and the search engine will do it's best to either find the word you entered or it's closest match. At the top of Altavista's Webpage, you'll see a long text box with a gray search button to the right of it.

Try typing in the word "reprints galore" WITH the quotes. Now hit the Gray Submit button to the right. Congratulations! You have just conducted your first search on the internet!

Here are a few things you will need to understand when doing searches. When you type a phrase with the quotes, the search engine will only find exact matches of that phrase. When you type a phrase without the quotes, the search engine will have more latitude and find the nearest matches. A cardinal rule of doing searches is always do your searches in lower case letters. The rationale here is that if you do a search in upper case, it won't find the lower case version of what your searching for. However if you do a search in lower case, it will still display the results of upper case findings.

Now practice by doing searches on your favorite hobby, your favorite actor, sports fan, your favorite recipe, etc.. Have some fun!

Want to get in on the latest internet gossip? Type this address in the location box of your browser: Dejanews is a huge forum for netizens to gather to discuss things on over 10,000+ topics from aardvark's to computer programming to zoology to aortic aneurism's. If you can think of it, someone has probably discussed it already.

In the text box at the top of the page, try typing in your favorite hobby. Once you've done this, click the grey find button to the right of the box. For Demonstration purposes, type Bill Clinton. You'll see the Top Forum results popup. Click the first link you see. You should find a thread (group) of many messages of netizens all speaking their piece of mind about Bill. Click the different messages and read them. Just Lurk around for a while. If something intrigues you, you can always post a message.

The Cardinal Rule of Newsgroups is No Blatant Advertising. I'm just warning you because they don't like that.

This is the official Website of the US Whitehouse! Type in . After navigating this site just a little bit, you will find out how to email the President of the United States.Try it! Just please make sure your mail settings are in place like we discussed earlier. Check out all the resources.

Type in . This Website is called Starting Point. It's main function is to act as a starting point to people that are new on the internet, so I thought it was a great addition to this particular lesson. From this Website, you can get free email, check the weather, get stock quotes, obtain maps and directions, browse the yellow pages and find people and much more. Spend about 1-2 hours at this site.

Hotmail offers Web Based Mail. This means that it's not sent via your browser, but over the internet like any other form you would fill out. Go here: Now let's get you a free lifetime email address, ok? The reason you shouldn't say no, I already have one with my ISP is because a web based address is great to keep a distance from certain people on the internet you don't want having your primary address issued by your ISP. This keeps a privacy barrier. Believe me, you will use it.

There should be a button called 'Sign Up Here' or something similar. Please click that and that will take you to a registration form. Just select a username and a password. Write both down, as you will need them to login in the future. Everything from here is self explanatory.

One point though. The application you will fill out with Hotmail is one of the interactive Web forms that you will be filling out quite often while you are on the Web. Filling out the application for a free email is a great way to get use to this process. Once the application is completed, go back to and type in your new username and password in the fields provided, and it should take you to your 'inbox'. From your inbox, you can check for mail, compose mail, send mail and even send pictures and files as attachments. An attachment is just a file that 'rides' along with an email message.


If you've gotten this far into this tutorial, then I'm sure that your starting to appreciate what the World Wide Web has to offer. I can't emphasize enough that practice makes perfect. Practice, Practice and Practice. Within a short time, you will be net savvy.

How to Download

How to Download

Downloading isn't a very complicated process at all, but you need to acquire Winzip to decompress the files. What happens is that when you download a file, it is in a zipped format, usually with a file extension of ".zip" or ".exe"

The first program you download will be a program called Winzip. It's shareware that you can download for free. You can find it at: . Let's go there now and check it out!

There should be a link that says 'Download Evaluation Version' or something similar. Click that link. Good news! The evalution version doesn't ever time out on you, you can just use it forever.

Now, just click the download link provided. When saving the file, make sure you write down the complete path, including the file name to where your saving it. If you are saving it in the "Program Files" directory, the path would be (assuming your hard drive was your c: drive):

c:\Program Files\winzip70.exe

Once you've completed the download, which should take about 10 minutes or so, depending on the speed of your modem, just go to Start --> Run and type in the complete path of where you download the file to. This is why it's so important to remember exactly which folder you downloaded your file to. In fact, this is the most important consideration when downloading.

Next, click OK and Windows should automatically open the program for you. From here, you should just follow some self explanatory install instructions to install the program on your system.

Now not only do you understand the basic process for downloading programs off the internet, but you also have the tool to install the program once it's downloaded.

Note: Sometimes you will download programs from an ftp site. The URL might look something like this:

Don't let this scare you. It's just another URL, just like any other URL. Just use the same downloading principles as you would for downloading from a regular site.

Concept Check -

1.Go to and make certain that the evaluation version of Winzip (unless you want to pay for it) is properly installed on your computer.

Extra Stuff -

1.Go to these two super Resource sites on Downloading. Read them both and you'll get the hang of it:

Lesson 05

Lesson 05

Uploading Files via FTP

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a method on which to upload files to the Internet. Also, with FTP you can download files as well. You can even create remote directories. and change permissions on CGI scripts. Here are some resources and tips that will teach you everything you need to learn about uploading:

Remember, even if you are getting free webspace from Geocities, Xoom and Hypermart as mentioned earlier, these companies are still considered (free) hosting services. Obtain the following information from your Hosting Service.

Here's the FTP Login Information you will need to obtain:



3.Host Name/Address

Go to and download the latest version of WS_FTP Pro.

Go to and type in the words "upload tutorial", with the quotes. Read a few of the tutorials.

Just as a general rule, upload files with the ".html" extension in ASCII. Upload files with the ".gif", ".jpg", ".exe" and ".zip" extensions in Binary. You'll have this option when you get to the Session Properties Window.

Tip: AFTER you're logged into your remote directory, under the 'mkdir' button, you'll notice a small white box on the left hand side you can type text in. This box is called a file mask box. You'll be using it to sort out files with a certain extension, such as ".html" files. Here's how it works:

type in *.html, and it will list all files in that directory with an HTML extension.

type in *.gif, and it will list all files in that directory with a GIF extension.

You get the idea! The asterick before the dot stands for 'anything'. Your just saying, include all HTML files or include all GIF files.

Finally, don't forget to read the 'readme.txt' file that comes with your program once you've downloaded it. Ipswitch also has a manual in book form. That's how I learned.

Hope this helps :-)

Lesson 04

Lesson 04

Your First Web Page

With few exceptions, HTML tags exist in pairs. The first tag activates a feature, and it's partner deactivates the same feature. The opening tag looks exactly like the closing tag, except the closing tag has a forward slash just inside the opening angle bracket. Example:

</p> <p style="line-height: 22pt;"> Closing Tag: Opening Tag:

All relevant text would go between these tags. Although you can go out and purchase an authoring system designed to help you write HTML, they all require you to have some knowledge of the language in order to create anything more than a basic web page.

Now, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. I'll go step-by-step and create a Web-Page, but I want you to join me because it just wouldn't be fun doing this all alone. The Web-Page we create will just be in Windows Notepad and will be all HTML tags.

1.First, Start Windows Notepad (or SimpleTest for Mac Users)

2.Now, just type in the blank screen provided and press the return key.

Your document should now look like this:

Please remember that the HTML language is NOT Case Sensitive. , and will all work fine. Note that special characters are case sensitive, such as is not the same as &NBSP;. The lower case version is correct for special characters, which are mentioned later.

3.Let's Create the Document Header

Type a tag and press enter.

Your document should now look like this:

4.Let's Create the Title

tag and press enter:</p> <p style="line-height: 22pt;"> Now, type some text after the title tag and type the closing title tag.</p> <p style="line-height: 22pt;"> Your document should now look like this:</p> <p style="line-height: 22pt;"> <html></p> <p style="line-height: 22pt;"> <head></p> <p style="line-height: 22pt;"> <title>My First Web Page! Type a

Type a Description:

Typing a description is very important, because people viewing the search engines will need to see this. This is a form of Meta Tag, and goes between the tags of your document. Go to and do a search for anything. You'll see descriptions. That's what you will be focusing on creating now. Descriptions should be less than 250 characters, or search engines will have a tendency to truncate them (chop them off the end) after that.

On the line below your title, type the following description:

Once your done properly inserting the above code, that's what will show up when someone does a search on your Website.

You Web Page should now look like this:

My First Web Page!

Another very important meta tag is the keyword tag. Search engines allow you to type a list of 'keywords' you feel will best describe your business or endeavor. Just use the following meta tag, just like the description tag, and type them between the tags. By the way, meta tags don't have closing tags, in case you haven't noticed already.

Don't make your keyword list over 750 characters, or search engines will tend to truncate them.

Your Webpage should now look like this:

My First Web Page!

Finally, Close the header tag:

My First Web Page!

Next, start the body. All your actual paragraph text will be enclosed between the body tags and all times, and will never be between the header tags. After adding the opening body tag, your document should look like this:

My First Web Page!

Now let's type a heading. Don't confuse a heading with a header. A heading is oversized text (which search engines focus on), and comes in 6 different flavors.

Very Large

Very Small

Let's type a Heading in

Welcome to my Web-Site

Now, your document should look like this:

My First Web Page!

Welcome to my Web-Site

The Paragraph and Blockquote Tags:

Say you want to write a few paragraphs to put on the Web. You can use paragraph tags like this:

Type paragraph text here.

or, you can use Blockquote tags like this:

Type paragraph text here.

Here's an example of a paragraph using Blockquote tags:

Always use Blockquote tags. The reason is because Blockquote tags format much nicer, and indent the text by 5 spaces on both sides. Paragraph tags tend to display your text right to the edge of your screen, frustrating your visitors by making them look to the right and left edges of your monitor.

Now your page should look like this:

My First Web Page!

Welcome to my Web-Site

Always use Blockquote tags. The reason is because Blockquote tags format much nicer, and indent the text by 5 spaces on both sides. Paragraph tags tend to display your text right to the edge of your screen, frustrating your visitors by making them look to the right and left edges of your monitor.

Now, let's finally close the body. Here's how your page will look after closing the body:

My First Web Page!

Welcome to my Web-Site

Always use Blockquote tags. The reason is because Blockquote tags format much nicer, and indent the text by 5 spaces on both sides. Paragraph tags tend to display your text right to the edge of your screen, frustrating your visitors by making them look to the right and left edges of your monitor.

Last Step! Close the final HTML tag. Here's how your document will look after doing this:

My First Web Page!

Welcome to my Web-Site

Always use Blockquote tags. The reason is because Blockquote tags format much nicer, and indent the text by 5 spaces on both sides. Paragraph tags tend to display your text right to the edge of your screen, frustrating your visitors by making them look to the right and left edges of your monitor.

Now, let's finally close the body. Here's how your page will look after closing the body:

My First Web Page!

Welcome to my Web-Site

Always use Blockquote tags. The reason is because Blockquote tags format much nicer, and indent the text by 5 spaces on both sides. Paragraph tags tend to display your text right to the edge of your screen, frustrating your visitors by making them look to the right and left edges of your monitor.

You're done! The source code above that we created in a step-by-step process would be perfectly acceptable on a Webpage once uploaded to a server. Try rereading the chapter again, and study the tags a little better until you feel a little more comfortable with them. This is your first time, so I imagine that your a little shaky with this.

Saving Your Work.

1.On Windows Notepad, click the File Menu.

2.Next, select Save As from this menu.

3.In the Filename box, choose a filename for your HTML document.

4.At the end of the name (preferrably index), type a period and the letters "html" (without the quotes). Your filename should look like this: index.html

5.Select a Drive and Directory for your file. Select the 'Garvinweb' directory (folder) you created earlier. Next, Double Click the 'Les04' folder you created earlier. Make sure that you save the file in this folder. This file is now ready to be uploaded to the World Wide Web! Congratulations, you deserve a big pat on the back :-)

Viewing your work:

Did you know that you can view your webpage before uploading it to a server? This is called, viewing your Webpage locally or simply testing it locally. Here's how you do that:

1.Open Netscape Communicator.

2.If you get any weird error messages about not being connected, just ignore them.

3.From the file menu, click 'Open Page'.

4.On the Open Page Dialog Box, select the Composer Radio Button

5.Click the Choose File button to the right of the text box. Don't try to manually type in the path.

6.Navigate through your files. Select the 'Les04' subdirectory from the Garvinweb Directory. Finally select the file 'index.html'.

7.Click the Open Button.

8.Now, click the open button again on the Open Page Dialog Box.

9.Finally, click the Preview Button on the Netscape Title Bar.

10.Voila! Your first Webpage.

I know this is a lot to cover for one day, but life ain't too bad is it? At least your coding now, and that has to make you feel good!

Concept Check -

1.Make another Webpage just like the one you created earlier. This time, type three paragraphs inside it explaining your favorite hobby. Save it in the same folder as your other file, but name the file hobbies.html Finally, view it locally through Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Extra Stuff -

1.Go to this Website: You can get ahead by reading up on some of the tags and techniques used here.

Lesson 03

Lesson 03

Let's Get Those Tools

There are two ways to Design Websites:

1.With a Text Editor such as Notepad (Mac Users will use Simpletext).

2.Using an Authoring System, (a.k.a. WYSIWYG or What you see is what you get editor) like Microsoft Front Page and Adobe Page Mill. I will be covering the pro's and con's of Authoring System's in a future lesson. This lesson will only explain how to access Notepad to create HTML files.

This tutorial is designed to teach you how to design your source code from scratch, without the help of a WYSIWYG editor and using only a Text editor. For purposes of this lesson, you will learn how to use Notepad, which should already be installed on your system if you have Windows. You will also learn how to create a new folder to keep your newly acquired collection of HTML files in.

Let's Get Notepad on our Desktop -

Since we will be using Notepad quite often during these lessons, it would be a good idea to have quick access to it for all future lessons. Please follow these steps with me to Create a Shortcut to Notepad on your Desktop:

1.Click the Start Button on the Bottom Left hand side of your Windows Taskbar.

2.Pick 'Files and Folders' from the 'Find' menu.

3.Make sure that the 'Name and Location' tab is selected. Under the 'Named' text field, type notepad.exe

4.Click 'Find Now'

5.Once Windows lists the file in the Display box below, click the 'Stop' button to the right.

6.Now, take your mouse and left click the Notepad file in the display box to select it. It should look blue now.

7.Now, right click this same file and choose 'create shortcut' from the drop-down menu that appears.

8.Windows will display a dialog box that says, "Windows Cannot Create a Shortcut here. Would you like to create a shortcut to your Desktop instead?"

9.Just choose yes, and Windows will take it from there.

10.You did it! Just take a peek at your Windows Desktop, and you will see a "Shortcut to Notepad" with an icon at the top. You will be using this throughout the rest of this tutorial.

Also: Repeat the same steps to put Windows Explorer on your Desktop. You will use this to create folders later. The procedures are the same as above except on step three, you will replace 'notepad.exe' with 'explorer.exe'.

You can also access Windows Notepad by going to:

Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> Notepad

An Alternative -

If you ever get tired of the limited features of Notepad, you may choose to purchase a High Performance Text Editor called Note Tab Pro (don't confuse with Notepad). For only $15.00 - $20.00, you can purchase a great one here:

This Text Editor has many more features such as special character libraries, the ability to copy and paste and work on unlimited files at once (an invaluable feature) and many more features. I'm addicted to Note Tab Pro and use it for all my HTML coding.

A Necessary File Uploading Utility -

To Properly Upload your files from your local hard drive to a server, you will need to download special software called FTP Client software or an FTP Utility. The best one currently on the market is WS_FTP Pro 6.0. You can download a 30 day trial version for purposes of this tutorial for free. Even if you decide to purchase it, which I would highly recommend, The price is under $40.00. You will be using this constantly once you start maintaining a Website, whether it be a personal home-page or a business Website. To download your free trial version, simply point your browser here:

Once you get here, just click the try now button. You will be given detailed downloading instructions from there.

Assignment -

1.Make Sure Windows Notepad and Windows Explorer are properly accessible from your Windows Desktop.

2.Check out the Notetab Website at Spend some time there and get an idea of and compare the features of that text editor to Notepad.

3.Download a trial version of WS_FTP Pro 6.0. For these lessons, it's just important to have it installed on your system.

Concept Check -

1.What are the two methods used to create HTML files?

2.What program would you use to upload files?

See ya in Lesson 04!

Lesson 02

Lesson 02

Planning and Page Layout Methods

The main reason people visit Webpages is because they are interested in specific content that is put into these pages. Although page design and layout are important, people mostly want to hear what you have to say. The most important consideration when constructing a Website is planning. I like to remember the 6 P's. Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to Web Design.

Before creating your first ".html" file, a skilled Web Developer will have already developed a flowchart, and will have already scribbled out an attack method. Write all your pages and proofread your work before you decide to start actually writing the HTML code to prepare your golden prose for cyberspace.

Here are some important planning considerations when developing a Website:

1.Who will you be promoting it to?

2.What's the purpose of your Website?

3.Why is your Website unique?

4.Where and what will go on each page?

Also, make sure each page is a self contained unit, and always create a way back to your home page from every page on your Website. A Visitor will not necessarily stumble onto your front page.

You'll learn the technical part of this in future lessons, now I'm just belaboring you with a little theory.

Make sure each page on your site is uniform. In the Reprints Galore CD, I give away a template you can export to a floppy and upload to your server so you can do just that, keep all your pages uniform. All you will know is the HTML code to insert within the template and I teach you just that in this tutorial. you will know everything you need to know by the time your finished reading these lessons.

Making a Flowchart:

This is very simple. Just draw a square representing your home page (sometimes called main page or index page) and a series of rectangles representing the other pages in that directory that link from the home page. If your creating multiple directories (subfolders within the main folder), simply draw squares to represent each page in that directory and rectangles to represent the other pages in those directories respectively.

When arranging graphical layout, make sure it is in a form that is aesthetically pleasing. Here's a super resource called Web Page Design for Designers. It assumes you know HTML, which you will after these lessons, but it's a place you can refer to if you need any Page Layout guidance in the future. Here's their Website:

Here's another Website that teaches good design by critisizing other people's sites and telling you what not to do.

There are currently four main Navigational structures on the Internet. Let me explore all four and give the pro's and con's of each.

1.Guided Structure - This method takes the visitor through each sequential page, one after another. This is a good structure for Photo Galleries, Online Tutorials, Long Sales Letters and offering a series of Free Reports from your Website. For Photo Galleries if you want to get fancy, you can even insert special code to make each page "automatically refresh" to the next page every so many seconds.

2. Cued Structure - From a standpoint of ease of navigation, this method is the absolute best method for browsing a Webpage. I'm very comfortable surfing sites with this structure. Every page on a Web Site with a cued navigational structure offers links to every other page on that Web Site. Let me give you an example. If you had a Web Site with three pages, your home page (index page), a products page and an order page, you would have the following Hypertext Links on all three pages that would look something like this:

index || products || order

3.Floating Structure - Although the floating structure is the most commonly used navigational structure currently used on the Web, it's the hardest method for users to navigate through, and I wouldn't recommend it. The Home Page acts as a main menu for the Website. The Home Page usually has links to every other page on the Website. The problem you run into is when you click a link to another page, you will no longer have links to all of the pages on the site. You must return to the home page to get access to all the links. I wouldn't recommend this method, as you might lose visitors and visitors can mean business.

4.Frames - Frames actually break up the Webpage into separate, independent entities. Some people for example would put their links in a left frame, their logo on a top frame, and their main page content in the "main frame" or large frame. I have devoted a chapter to frames. Many people don't like frames, but if you design them right, they have their purpose.

My recommendation would be to used a combination of the cued and guided structures when designing a webpage. I'm neutral when it comes to frames. Here's a site that really looks good in frames:

Assignment -

1.Go to a search engine like or and do a search for "page layout techniques" or "webpage design methods" or "page layout tutorials" or "HTML Tutorials" and go to and browse their HTML Tutorials. They have some nice ones!

2.Make a simple flowchart in box form and determine a general layout for your future website. Draft at least three pages (non HTML) to prepare for publishing on the Web. Make your Website at least three pages.

Concept Check -

1.What are the best navigational structures for the WWW?

See ya in Lesson 03!

Lesson 01

Lesson 01

Introduction to HTML and the World Wide Web

The Internet has been around since the late 60's, as it was being used by the Defense Department and certain universities for research. However In 1989, a physics researcher named Tim Berners Lee wanted to find a universal information sharing system. He mostly needed it for the physics community, so they could transport documents back and forth. He wanted to make certain that this system contained a consistent user interface, links between documents and to make sure that anyone regardless of computer platform could exchange information using this medium.

March 1991, his dream became reality. This new information sharing system was later known as the World Wide Web, and people are putting 100,000 new Web Pages up on it everyday! In January of 1992, the World Wide Web was made available to the public, and by the end of this year there were 50 servers in Operation Worldwide, mostly at Universities.

The first browser created was in 1993 and was called the Mosaic browser. This was created by Marc Andreessen, a bright programmer who is now Vice President of Netscape Communications. The Mosaic browser was the first interface available for the World Wide Web. By the end of this year, there were over 100 servers in operation.

By the end of June in 1994, there were over 2,500 servers in operation. Just six months later, there were over 10,000 servers.

The high speed growth rate did not go unnoticed. Tim Berners Lee and other Physics Researchers decided to form an organization to foster this development. This organization, known as the World Wide Web Consortium, is responsible for determining WWW standards. Here's their URL:

The web started to get commercialized in 1995. This is when your ISP's (Internet Service Provider's) found they could charge a set fee to connect you to the internet. This is also when and Corey Rudl started the two oldest Associate programs on the internet (more about that in another lesson). Today, there is more than 300,000 web servers world wide. Each of these servers contain anywhere from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of individual web pages and websites.

You don't need a server to publish your own information on the Web. You can go to any of these free services and get free webspace. With the free space these places give you, you can publish hundreds of free pages. Please let me list a few sites: (for personal pages) (for personal pages) (for businesses) (for businesses)

Assignment - Check out the URL's above that offer free Webspace. Spend at least 30 minutes at each site, and read their Terms of Service (TOS). Get familiar with their policies and get familiar with all there requirements of obtaining free webspace. Also, check out the World Wide Web Consortium and stay there for 30 minutes minimum. Try to get a pulse for what's going on there as well.

No Questions this lesson. See ya in Lesson 02!

HTML Tag-By-Tag Reference Guide

HTML Tag-By-Tag Reference Guide

Of course, listed below are not all the HTML tags, but the ones that you will use most often. I've included URL's and recommended searches that will list all the rest of the tags and URL's you will ever need to master HTML.

Note: Most of these tags may be written in upper or lower case. When creating a standard or trying to develop your own "unique style", set a standard and stick with it. Also, you can use more than one tag in tandem. These are better known as 'nested tags', and the first tag on is always the last tag off.



Just remember the Cardinal Rule which will be explained later!

An attribute is an extension to a tag, kind of like a special feature within that tag.

FPI (Formal Public Identifier) - This goes right over the tag. This is the only tag that does this:

HTML Tags - Everything with an ".html", ".htm" or ".shtml" document must be enclosed in the following tags:

Header Tags - Anything included inside these tags, especially the Meta tags, is useful for the search engines. WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editors like Microsoft Front Page never put this info inside header tags, so It's up to you to do it manually:

Meta Tags - This allows search engines to properly index your file you've uploaded. No closing tags are required on these. These tags go between the tags.

The 16 Background Colors:


Note: You should specify one color for a background color, even if it's white, or you might get a grey color by default.

Aqua Navy

Black Olive

Blue Purple

Fuschia Red

Gray Silver

Green Teal

Lime White

Maroon Yellow

Comment Tags - Comment tags are tags that are ignored by browsers. You can use this to write little notes for yourself:

Heading Tags - H1 will display the largest text where H6 will display the smallest text. Also, search engines tend to put a greater emphasis on these heading tags (don't confuse with header tags mentioned above), than they do on normal text enclosed in paragraph tags.:

Center Tags - This will center your text on a page:

This text will be centered on your ".html" page

Paragraph Tags - This tag will display text in a standard paragraph format, without any indentation.

Type a paragraph here for display on the web.

Title Tags - These tags need to be nested within the tags. The title tags will be displayed and viewable on the very top of the users browser. The title shouldn't exceed 50 characters. Search engines really recognize these tags!:

</p> <p style="line-height: 22pt;"> Welcome to my Website</p> <p style="line-height: 22pt;">

Blockquote Tags - These tags are like paragraph tags, but much better. These tags can be nested, which means that you can make one or more of these tags. Blockquote tags indents 5 characters on the left and right side. This way, your text isn't showing all the way to the right and left of each users monitor. This gives your Website a more clean look.

Type your paragraph here

Unordered List Tags - These tags serve two purposes.

1. To left indent text

    Type text here.

2. To Create an unordered (Bulleted) list:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Phone Number

Would look like this:

· Name

· Address

· Phone Number

To Create an ordered (Numbered) list:

  1. How to Make Money in the Information age

  2. How to Make a Fortune Selling Real Estate

  3. How to Get Free Internet access

    Would look like this:

    1.How to Make Money in the Information age2.

    2.How to Make a Fortune Selling Real Estate

    3.How to Get Free Internet access

    Line Break - You will use this tag constantly. Use it when you want to create more space between text. Remember to use two
    tags to make a 'double space' between the text in question.


    Brian Garvin

    PO Box 903

    Oceanside, CA. 92049

    Worldwide Distributor and Affiliate Programs

    Draw a Horizontal Line - This will draw a line in your HTML document. The HR stands for Horizontal Rule.

    width - width of the line in pixels. Most monitors are 640 pixels wide, but I would never make a line wider than 550 pixels.

    size - how fat the line will be in pixels.

    Bold Text - This tag creates bolded text:

    Anything here will be bolded.

    Italicize text - Any Text here will be in italics

    Anything here will be in italics

    Underline Text - Any Text here will be underlined

    Anything here will be underlined

    Subscript Text - This will create subscripts


    Superscript Text - This will create superscripts

    Reprints Galore(tm)

    Teletype Text - This will Teletype Text

    This will create text that looks like those old fashioned typewriters created it.

    Insert Tags around preformatted text - If you want to just copy and paste text from a WordPerfect file or other file and don't want to waste time putting Blockquote or Paragraphs or Break tags around each paragraph, then this tag will come in very handy. This tag is good for multiple page documents to save you formatting time:

    My big document that I'm too lazy to put tags around will go here.

    Make your text blink - Some people say this is annoying, but nevertheless you might have a use for it.

    I'm Blinking!

    Make your text scroll - This won't work in Netscape, but will work in MSIE.

    I'm scrolling!

    Font Tags - This allows you to control the color, size and typeface of a font

    Regarding font sizes, 1 is the smallest size and 6 is the largest font size.

    Popular Type faces are Arial, Times New Roman and Helvetica.


    The Cardinal Rule of HTML - The first tag on should be the last tag off.


    Create a Physical Link - A physical link is a link to a remote server, or in simple terms, a link from a webpage other than your own.

    Example:Text Here

    Create a Logical Link - A logical link is a link to another spot on your website, within the same directory. You can put the full URL like above, but you don't have to. If it's on your Webpage and in the same directory, all you really need to include is the file name.


    Creating a Mail Link - You can create a Mail Link very easy. This will allow someone to send you an email from your Website. Here's the code and a special trick few people know (except us now :-):

    E-Mail Me!

    Here's some additional code you can tack on the end that will automatically display Text in the subject field of the users browser:

    _Question">E-Mail Me!

    Creating a Jump Link - A jump link is a link that takes you to another point on the same Webpage.

    There are actually two links you'll be creating, a from and a to link. Pay careful attention to formatting. Here they are:

    Jump From: Text Here

    Jump To:

    What happens is that you put the Jump to Link somewhere else on the Webpage. When you click the Text Here in the Jump From link, you will 'Jump' immediately to the other part of the Webpage where you inserted the Jump To code.

    Inserting an image - There are currently only two filetypes that are acceptable for the World Wide Web. One is ".gif" (Graphics Interchangeable Format) and the other is ".jpg or ".jpeg" (Joint Photographics Group). An image tag may have many attributes, or it can have none.

    Image Tag Attributes:

    1.Filename - Every image tag obviously must have this. File names and extensions on image tags are extremely case sensitive! badboy18.jpg, BADBOY.JPG, and badboy.JPG are all different.

    2.Alternate Message - Sometimes known as an "alt statement". This will display a text message when a user rolls his mouse over the image. It's good to put an alt statement because some people don't display graphics on their browsers, and this way an alt statement describing your image will give them an idea of what is there. Otherwise, they might be feeling like they're missing something.

    3.Width - Measured in Pixels. You can use this attribute to adjust the width of an image to a predetermined size.

    4.Height - Measured in Pixels. You can use this attribute to adjust the height of an image to a predetermined size.

    5.Alignment - This determines how you want your image aligned on your page, either left, right or center.

    6.Border - This will put a square border around your image and is measured in pixels.

    7.Hspace - This attribute determines the Horizonal Space in pixels that your image will be separated from surrounding paragraph text.

    8.Hspace - This attribute determines the Vertical Space in pixels that your image will be separated from surrounding paragraph text.

    Here's an example of an image statement displaying every possible attribute so you can study it:

    Bad Boy Club Logo

    Common Special Characters - These characters will display the items on the left when inserting the code given on the right. Note that these special characters are case sensitive, and should all be coded in lower case.



    TM& reg;



    degrees °

    This is it for now. This is just a beginners tutorial. I will cover table tags, form tags, frame tags sound tags and more in the accompanying lessons. I hope you found this lesson fulfilling. I know it was fulfilling authoring it!