Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Lesson 05

Lesson 05

Uploading Files via FTP

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a method on which to upload files to the Internet. Also, with FTP you can download files as well. You can even create remote directories. and change permissions on CGI scripts. Here are some resources and tips that will teach you everything you need to learn about uploading:

Remember, even if you are getting free webspace from Geocities, Xoom and Hypermart as mentioned earlier, these companies are still considered (free) hosting services. Obtain the following information from your Hosting Service.

Here's the FTP Login Information you will need to obtain:



3.Host Name/Address

Go to and download the latest version of WS_FTP Pro.

Go to and type in the words "upload tutorial", with the quotes. Read a few of the tutorials.

Just as a general rule, upload files with the ".html" extension in ASCII. Upload files with the ".gif", ".jpg", ".exe" and ".zip" extensions in Binary. You'll have this option when you get to the Session Properties Window.

Tip: AFTER you're logged into your remote directory, under the 'mkdir' button, you'll notice a small white box on the left hand side you can type text in. This box is called a file mask box. You'll be using it to sort out files with a certain extension, such as ".html" files. Here's how it works:

type in *.html, and it will list all files in that directory with an HTML extension.

type in *.gif, and it will list all files in that directory with a GIF extension.

You get the idea! The asterick before the dot stands for 'anything'. Your just saying, include all HTML files or include all GIF files.

Finally, don't forget to read the 'readme.txt' file that comes with your program once you've downloaded it. Ipswitch also has a manual in book form. That's how I learned.

Hope this helps :-)

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